Entire SMUT CATALOG: Volume 1 Read online

  Entire SMUT Catalog: Volume 1

  Copyright 2016

  by Kimberly Gray

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents BABY BUMPING The Brats 2


  SCORCHING Lesbian Love

  His FERTILE Princess

  Hot Humps & BABY BUMPS

  CREAMING the Caregiver

  CREAMING The Caregiver 2

  His FERTILE Princess 2

  TENTACLE WHORES: Preggo for the Paranormal

  Secret SLUT Society

  TENTACLE WHORES: PREGGO for the Paranormal 2

  FERTILE Zombie Horde: The Undead Want Head


  CREAMING the Caregiver 2: Gay Edition



  The Brats 2

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  They rubbed and finger-fucked her first slowly, then with a more fevered pitch, all the while sucking her titty nectar from her body.

  Tyler was put in charge of watching over the two brats while his old man and wife went on vacation. Tyler knew he could handle the responsibility of caring for the two princesses, even if Dallas (the youngest of the two) was a total slut, complete with a bulging baby belly!

  That is, until the power went out, and the sexy trio find themselves stuck at home with nothing to do, and nothing to eat! Tyler's about to have a stroke of genius when he discovers he can milk Dallas' tight tits for all they're worth! With a milk mustache and the taste of her sweet titty nectar on his lips, Tyler starts hording the honey-sweet lady lactose for sustenance.

  But after a while his appetite grows insatiable when he realizes his "human milk machine" will eventually run out, so he decides to fuck the older brat's hot piece of ass, ensuring his sweet, sticky seed is pumped deep in her pussy. With both brats plump and pregnant, there's no end to the milk flow!


  It was like a dream. Mom and dad were gone for three months, to Europe of all places.

  “No way they'd fly back for some dinky shit,” Tyler thought to himself.

  He was in his element. All he had to do was look after his two younger stepsisters, insure they had what they needed, and he had Carte Blanche to do anything he wanted, and this city had so much to offer a young man.

  Tyler lived a most enviable life. The place he called home was a 32nd floor, two story penthouse in one of the most opulent postal codes in the city. His father and step-mother were both fanatical regarding security and survivability. A single elevator from the ground floor emptied into the foyer of the 4,800 square foot modern condo. It required a key card and thumb print to access the penthouse. There were no other units on this floor, just theirs.

  His father had installed solar panels and wind turbines on the roof of their unit. They fed power directly into the penthouse, bypassing the building's power grid all together. They were still connected and used building power when it was available, but their back up system could take over when needed and supply all the electricity one could ever want. There was also a bank of three high output gasoline generators and an ample supply of fuel. A catchment system collected rain water, ran it through a UV filter, and into a 10,000 gallon cistern. To top it off, this building was truly earthquake proof, with deep, wide reinforced concrete pilings embedded in the bedrock like fingers gripping a stone.

  And what did Tyler have to contribute to live here? Nothing but attend school, get reasonable grades and stay away from drugs. An easy set of requirements for him.

  Tyler lived here with his father, step mother and twin stepsisters, Dallas and Phoenix. He found their names an endless source of laughs.

  He attended a nearby private school, where he had a drove of friends. His father doled out money for the asking. He drove a Benz.

  Life was good here.

  His sister, Dallas, had become the black sheep of the family when she came up pregnant. No one could have been more surprised than Tyler. His sisters were both so naive, so immature, so sheltered that he thought sex for them would be simple masturbation, after watching a “How-To” video.

  Dallas was in her fifth month and did nothing but lay around the house in her skimpy PJ's, leaving little to the imagination. She was already lactating from her now large, full tits. She was hot, as was her sister, and this did not go unnoticed by Tyler.

  They were identical, both of slender frame with straight, light blond hair that fell well down their backs. Both were curvaceous, even with their slight bodies. In silhouette he could see their small breasts spread across their chests, leaving tiny, half moons under their arms. They had that perfect hourglass symmetry, with their most beautiful asses and axe handle gaps between their thighs, just under their cunts.

  He sometimes masturbated to climax picturing their faces, but that was as far as he let it go.

  With his parents gone, he was king. A concierge took care of the day to day necessities, he took care of his own indulgences. It was amazing what you could do with an AMEX Black Card and no limit.

  One of the most widely televised news stories was of a “coronal mass ejection” that had taken place on the surface of the sun.

  “Same doom and gloom,” thought Tyler.

  There were warnings of possible power outages, some severe, set to hit the Earth in the next few days.

  With complete confidence, Tyler looked out at the shadows from the solar panels and the spinning blades of the wind towers. He thought of the parties he could have if the city went dark.


  Tyler passed his days in the usual fashion. Go to school, fuck his smoking-hot girlfriend and party. He didn't have a care in the world, but that was all to end so very abruptly.


  June 23rd was shaping up to be a perfect summer day. Warm with cloudless skies. As the clock hit 1:22 PM, EST, that all changed.

  High energy particles, expelled during the CMA, hit the Earth's atmosphere like a hammer. The skies turned into a crazed version of the northern lights, with its myriad of colors flashing across the sky, electrifying the air. The first of our technologies to be hit where the many satellites in low earth orbit. Communication, GPS, Internet, Satellite TV, all were rendered useless in a millisecond. The main electrical power hubs all over the country were next. The ionized air caused overloads, frying their components and circuitry. The national power grid dropped as one by one the sub stations met the same fate. The country was without power or satellite communications.

  People who were once so connected to each other through technology found themselves alone.


  Tyler rose from bed near ten in the morning, As he did every school day he made his way to the kitchen and made coffee. The twins were still asleep. While the coffee dripped he checked his text messages and emails on his phone. There were only a couple from his girlfriend. He sent back “See you at school” and left it at that. He poured his coffee, finishing it off quickly, got dressed and took the elevator to the basement garage level.

  With a touch of his key fob the black CLS 500 started its motor, disarmed the alarm system and unlocked the doors. Tyler slipped into the black leather of the driver's seat, put the car in drive and headed for the exit. He stopped to wait for the heavy steel gate that covered the entrance to the parking garage to open. He exited the garage, speeding toward school.


  Tyler parked his car and walked toward the group of students standing casually next to the school's front door.

sp; “What's up, bitches?” Tyler called out. His girlfriend eased herself under his arm as she always did. A teen sign for “this is mine.”

  Zach, Tyler's best friend since elementary school, spoke out with concern.

  “Have you been watching this CMA shit, dude?” he asked.

  Tyler laughed and replied. “Yeah, the world is coming to an end so party hearty,” he grinned.

  “No, I'm serious dude.” Zach continued “I googled this last night and it's happened before. A bunch of states had, like, zero power for months. Think it can happen here?”

  “Who gives a fuck, dude?” Tyler stated. “If it does, we can all go to my place and party. I got more juice than Sunkist.” the group broke into laughter and with that, headed to their respective classes.


  The group had reassembled outside for lunch when the sky exploded.

  “Fuck me, dude, did you see that?!” asked Zach.

  Tyler had. A burst of multi colored lights had screamed across the sky.

  “That was wicked, man!” Tyler exclaimed.

  Again, the rainbow of colors flashed across the sky, this time the colors seemed deeper, more ominous. The group gasped in unison.

  Tyler took out his phone. Nothing but his screen saver. He tried to call home. Nothing. Text message. Nothing. Email. Nothing. He might as well have had a brick in his hand. It would be about as useful as his phone.

  “Check your phone, man!” Tyler asked Zach, concern and fear filled his voice.

  Zach checked. His phone was as useless as Tyler's.

  “Satellites, dude,” Zach told him. “They're fried. I read about this last night. All the power stations might fry too,” he could see fear in everyone's eyes.

  “Bullshit, dude,” Tyler spoke, a false bravado in his voice. “The government or someone would have made sure that couldn't happen. They're not all idiots.”

  This brought a forced laugh from all, but Tyler didn't believe a word he said. They were all idiots, he thought.

  “Let's check the power, dude. I've got my charger, let's see if I can get any juice from the school,” Zach said in a panicked voice.

  “Ok, let's go,” Tyler replied abruptly.

  Both the boys headed into the school, leaving the remainder of the group waiting outside. They stopped at the first outlet in the hallway and Zack plugged in his phone's charger and waited for the small, green LED indicator to come to life. It didn't.

  Exchanging glances they entered a classroom. They checked the desk computers. Dead. The printer. Dead. The land line phone. Dead. The room's lights failed to come to life as they flipped the switch on and off madly.

  “I got to go,” Tyler told his friend. “My sisters are at home,” his mouth was dry and his head ached.

  “Come with me, dude,” he pleaded.

  “I can't. I can't leave my mom alone.”

  Zach was from a single parent family.

  “I got it. Keep trying the phones and the 'net. See if you can get through to me.”

  Tyler was truly concerned for his friend.

  “I will, dude. You do the same,” Zach's voice was trembling now.

  “Don't worry, dude,” Tyler tried to quell his friend's fears. “They'll have the power back on in, like, a couple hours, OK?”

  “Ok. I'm heading home.”

  Zach had barely finished the last sentence when he started running for the door with Tyler following closely.

  Tyler said nothing to the group of his friends. He forgot they were even there. All he could think is “What if the elevator doesn't work?” Never in his life had he wanted to be at home so much.


  The black Benz peeled out of the school parking lot and on to the major road home. He braked abruptly to avoid hitting the rear of the car in front of him. Traffic was at a stand still. The traffic lights were out and some assholes had gotten into an accident, blocking both lanes. He flipped his head around to back up, but he was boxed in. He could see several cars behind him and more coming to a stop every minute.

  “Fuck it,” he thought.

  He left his car and started on foot toward home. He hadn't made it a block when he heard his car's distinctive alarm blaring. He walked faster.

  Tyler pulled the doors of his building open and ran for the elevator. The concierge, who had always been perpetually at his post, was gone. There was no one in the buildings huge foyer. As he approached the elevator a wave of relief washed over him. The buttons were lit. He pressed “open” and the doors slid quietly apart. Fumbling for his key card he rammed it into the slot and pressed his thumb onto the glowing green light of the reader. He felt the car rise as it made its way to the top floor. His floor.

  The doors opened and he burst into his home. From the foyer, he could see directly into the living room. His two sisters were sitting side by side on the imported Italian leather couch. They were both frightened. He could see it on their faces.

  “Ty, what's happening?” Dallas asked. “Nothing works.”

  These words brought fear back to his heart. The secondary power from the solar panel and wind turbines should have clicked in, automatically when building power was out. He caught himself. Building power wasn't out. The emergency generators had picked up the load.

  Looking around the living room, he saw the lights glowing in the ever diminishing light. The day was moving from afternoon to evening.

  “What do you mean, nothing works?” he asked his addle brained sister.

  “My phone and tablet won't work and the TV only shows this,” she pointed to the 70 inch UHD, 4K television mounted seamlessly on the wall. All that appeared was static. Snow. He saw the “mute” icon on its upper left side.

  There was a local television station, but all stations they received were beamed via satellite. He touched a button on the surround sound system labeled “radio.” Instantly the roar of static filled the room. He turned down the volume and tuned into the local new radio station. A man's deep voice burst from the speakers.

  In monotone, the announcer spoke. Tyler listened as the man advised a calm, orderly evacuation of the city. Looting and robberies had begun, even with the sun still up. Shootings. Carjackings. The national guard attempting to deploy, but had severely limited resources as the majority of guardsman were overseas. The announcer told all listening that the national guard would only try to enforce curfews, nothing more.

  FEMA was spread thin, as the entire continent had been brought back to the stone age. The same for Europe and the rest of the world. Planes were grounded as they could no longer navigate with satellites down and their avionics fried.

  The world descended into hell.


  Tyler shut off the radio. He could see that every word frightened the twins that much more.

  “Don't worry,” he told his sisters. “We'll be good here.”

  Tyler's mind was in overdrive. He started to complete task after task. First, disable the elevator. A simple press of a illuminated button with the word “LOCK” stenciled on it caused short, hardened steel bars to extend from the walls of the elevator shaft and slide into their sleeves under the elevator car.

  Next, the emergency stairwell. There were fire doors between each floor. Tyler locked every one of them. There was a system that would cover all windows with metal shutters, rolled down from inside the wall like a garage door. He left this undisturbed.

  “Not yet,” he thought.

  He heard gunshots.

  They were near.


  Tyler inventoried their food.

  “Fuck,” he cursed to himself.

  Most of the large, twin door fridges held beer in all types and sizes, but little in the way of food. Some cold cuts, bread, rolls and condiments. Vegetables were still in the crisper. There was a block of cheese, unopened. The freezer held frozen pizzas and not much more. This concerned him greatly.

  Tyler realized that for all the emergency precautions taken, t
he human element had failed. He had forgotten to buy groceries. Meals would be tight and one day, soon, he would need to venture out to find more. A chill ran down his spine at the thought.

  Sitting down, across from the twins, he told them. “We need to talk.”

  “We'll be OK here,” Tyler began. “We have power and tons of water, but we don't have much food. Maybe a weeks worth if we don't eat huge meals.”

  Dallas spoke up in her childlike voice.”Ty, I'm pregnant, I need to eat.”

  “I know D,” Tyler replied. “I'll make sure you always get the biggest portions.”

  She seemed reassured in this.

  “Why don't you just go out and get more?” Phoenix asked her brother.

  “It's too dangerous now. People are looting and shooting,” he told her. “In a couple days I'll try to hit the convenience store down the street. Maybe everyone will be gone by then.”

  Phoenix began to cry, she was scared to the bone.

  Tyler moved to the couch and sat beside her. He put his arm around her for comfort. Her arms wrapped themselves around his chest and she drew herself close. He kissed her on the top of her head.

  “Don't worry, Phe. I'll protect you.”

  Even as the words came from his mouth, he felt his sister's body against his. Soft and giving. Her hair smelt like a day after a fresh rain.

  She wore no bra and, looking down, Tyler could see most of her small, round tits, the neckline of her top, loose and open. He could feel the lust rising to consume him.

  He detached from his sister before a man bulge formed. Right now, under these circumstances, he wanted to fuck her more than anything. He looked at Dallas. A wicked smile was on her face.

  Tyler shut the steel window blinds. He had realized if anyone saw the light from the condo they would know, here was power. The condo took on the feel of a submarine. He and his two sisters were locked in, and could see nothing outside their home.
